Monday, 29 November 2010

Week 8 - Animation

This week I have been working on the DrawSolarSystem class. I've added quite a lot  - some initial keyboard functionality has been added (zoom, pan, rotate and pause), as well as mouse movement. This is in a very early form and I'm not happy with some elements, but it will do for now! The main focus of this weeks work was trying to implement the orbit of one sphere around another. I managed to implement this successfully, and went ahead to program the orbits for all the planets.

Another issue that was raised during my meeting with Rob was the slight difference in accuracy for my figures in the previous blog. I did some more research, and believe this is down to a difference in time. In the Utretch unversity page, they take 1st Jan 2000, 12 noon UTC as their start date. Their current date is 1st Jan 2004, 0:00 UTC. My program only calculates julian dates using day, month and year, where the time of day is as default 12 noon. This means theres a 12 hour difference between their current date and mine, which is I believe the reason for the slight difference in figures.

Firstly, I'd like to list major changes and additions to the classes.

  • the drawOrbit method in OrbitalCalculations has been changed to a type void, and thus doesn't return the planet's vector anymore. I've created a new method to return the vector, so it can be retrieved by the program without doing the whole drawing orbit calculation.
  • The Julian Date is defined as a variable julDate at the top of the DrawSolarSystem class now. This allows the julian date to have numbers added to it in order to increase the time.
  • Planets are created at the top of the DrawSolarSystem class as well, instead of in initGL, outside all methods. This is so different methods can use them.
  • For the same reason, instances of OrbitalCalculations are also created at the top of DrawSolarSystem.
  • Two new methods have been added to DrawSolarSystem for camera manipulation. One called camera, and one called mouseMovement.
  • A new method has been added to DrawSolarSystem to read in each model, so there are 9 methods of this type in total.
  • A new method has also been added to update every planets position, so there are 8 methods of this type.

Now I'm going to run through how the program reads in a model, puts it into a display list, draws that list then updates the planets position.

Firstly the model has to be read in. I use a seperate method for each model, simply to ensure each model is read in correctly. For now I am only using two models - suntest.obj, a yellow sphere, and planettest.obj, a red sphere. Both were created and exported from 3Ds Max. Here's the code to read in the sun model, the rest are much the same:

Next, the models are put into display lists in initGL. Putting the model into a display list means it can be scaled before being called by the drawing method, so it only happens once at the start of the program. As all the models read in are scaled to the same size to fit in the matrix, they have to be scaled again in order to maintain size difference. At the moment my figures are pure estimates, just done to give an impression of the size differences. Lights are also defined in initGL. At the minute, all I have is an ambient light. Here is the code to place the sun model into a display list (note: the scale is so small so that I can zoom greater distances, you'll see why I need to later!):

Now before I call the display list in myDrawGLScene, I need a method to update the position of the planet. Since myDrawGLScene is redrawn all the time, a loop is not required, as the update method will be called each time the scene is redrawn. So all I need to do is increase the julian day every call to the method, draw the orbit and translate the model by the x, y and z coordinates generated. Here is the method for mercury:

Now the display list can be called in myDrawGLScene when the model is drawn. Here is the code for the sun and mercury:

All this resulted in the following screen shots. The first image shows the Sun, Mercury,Venus and the Earth. The second is zoomed out slightly to include Mars. The third is zoomed out a lot to include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. As you can see, the distances all look to be in proportion, with a lot of zooming out required to see Neptune! At the moment it looks a bit 2D, but thats due to the fixed angle and lack of lighting to give shade. Note that all planets are reading in the same test model, which is why they are all red.

Thats it for this week!

Monday, 22 November 2010

Week 7 - More Programming

This week I have been working further upon the OrbitalCalculations class - namely, trying to prove that the figures being generated are correct by following through an example from a trustworthy source. The source I used was the following from Utrecht University - In getting this result, I have edited the class quite a bit, and will detail those changes later. I have also worked on getting a proper import code, that will allow my program to read in 3Ds max models and their materials.

Firstly, the changes to the orbital calculations class;

  • getV has been replaced with getTrueAnomaly, and the variables likewise - so double v is now double trueAnomaly. This was mainly to help myself, I had not realised initially that the variable v that I was calculating was the true anomaly. I also changed the code, to give a more accurate result. I adapted the code from the same resource as the eccentric anomaly code -
  • variable perihelionTime has been removed. After discussions with Rob it became clear that the current method of calculating the mean anomaly could not work, as there was very little to no data available on the date of perihelion passage for any planet other than Earth. The new method requires a start time which the orbital elements are valid for (01/01/2000) and the current date.
  • Using the method of calculation detailed in the Utrecht University website, it is no longer necessary to calculate the X,Y,Z values in two parts, so x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 and their associated methods have been removed and merged into one for calculating x, y and z on their own.

Now onto the big problem I had in getting the numbers my program output to equal the ones that website said I should be getting - radians and degrees. You see, the computer computes sin/cos/tan functions in radians, and the data I input and want output is in degrees. This gave me quite some trouble, but essentially each variable which is an angle had to be converted into radians before the calculation is carried out, then converted back into degrees if it is returning an angle. What I did was create a variable called k, and make it equal to Pi / 180. This means that multiplying an angle by k will convert it from degrees to radians, and dividing an angle by k will convert an angle from radians to degrees.

I'd like to run through the example on the Utrecht University website for calculating the X,Y,Z position of Jupiter. 

The first step is to calculate the mean anomaly. Here is a screenshot of my new mean anomaly calculation:

The UU website states the result should be: 141.324°

Next, the true anomaly. Here's my new code to calculate the true anomaly:

The result for the true anomaly should be: 144.637°

Next up, the distance to the sun, which is r. My code to calculate r hasn't changed actually, but I did have to convert the true anomaly used in the calculation into radians first.

The result for r should be: 5.40406 AU

Finally, the x,y,z coordinates. I'll post an image of my code to calculate X, the other two are similar. Notice that each angle has to be multiplied by k - this is not shown on the website, and gave me lots of trouble!

The x,y,z coordinates for Jupiter should be: −5.04289, 1.93965, 0.10478

Now, here's a screenshot of my results:

and a side by side comparison. Target results in red, my results in blue.

Mean Anomaly: 141.324° | 141.365°
True Anomaly: 144.637° | 144.036°
r: 5.40406 | 5.40417
x: −5.04289 | -5.04431
y: 1.93965 | 1.93624
z: 0.10478 | 0.104829

Pretty close! I'm very happy with how the calculations are working. 

The second part of what I was working on this week was importing a basic model from 3Ds Max and getting it displayed on screen. This proved quite difficult! The code I was planning to use from last semester proved instantly unusable - it requires models to be of .txt format, and 3Ds Max does not export to this format.

I spent many hours trying and testing different loaders, and eventually settled on an object loader (it loads models of type .obj) called GLM from this website: I imported the files into my project and put them in a seperate folder - this means that the ImportModel and point classes I had made are no longer needed. 

With a bit of tweaking, I've managed to get a geosphere with a material of an alien's face that I created in 3Ds Max, to display in my viewport window. Here's a screenshot:

All in all, some good progress made. 

More next week.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Week 6 - Initial Coding - Orbital Calculations

Coding has begun! This week I have set up the initial class framework in visual studio (I have switched to visual studio 2008 as this is what is used in the University labs, in case anything happens to my laptop), and begun programming the orbital calculations class.

Firstly I'd like to mention some initial problems I have come across and what I have done to fix them, and changes I have had to make to the UML plan.

In the CreatePlanet class, i have added longitudeAscendingNode and longitudePerihelion as private instance variables (doubles). This was an oversight, as these values are required in the calculations for x1, y1 and z1. I have also removed periodOfOrbit as a variable in CreatePlanet, and moved it to the OrbitalCalculations class. I found it was easier to calculate the period of orbit using the semi-major axis, instead of hard code in a value for each planet.

The bulk of changes has occured in the OrbitalCalculations class. Firstly, meanAnomaly has been added as a private instance variable. I'm not sure why I left this out, but the variable is required to calculate the mean anomaly in the drawOrbit method. Secondly, I found I had neglected to consider the need of parameters in the majority of the methods. This was a mistake as of course most of the calculations utilise data which will, in the end, be taken from the created planets. These changes are as follows:

As you can see from the image, I have also renamed the vector class to Vector3D. I was a bit worried about vector being a reserved C++ word, so changed it to be on the safe side. Another change is to make the drawOrbit method Vector3D, instead of void. This simply means that the method returns the coordinates in vector form, instead of having another method to do this.

One of the major issues I knew I would have is calculating the eccentric anomaly. I tried out a few iteration methods that didn't work, but managed to find C# iteration code on this website: I adapated this code into C++, and tested it to give the same results as the calculator on that website. A screenshot of this method is below:

The final drawOrbit method utilises all the previous methods in the class to calculate the final x,y,z coordinates, here is a screenshot of this method:

I have also included test printing in this method, which will print the various stages to the console when the method is called in DrawSolarSystem. I had an issue with printf, the printing mechanism I have previously used in C++, and so decided to use cout as my test printing method throughout the program.

I had one final major oversight at this stage, which became apparent when I went to create the planet and test the drawOrbit method in DrawSolarSystem. The mean anomaly calculation requires a current time and a time since the planet was last at the perihelion point to be defined - what format was that in? I hadn't previously considered this fully. With some research, I discovered that astronomers use the Julian dating system (defintion), and thus my program would have to have some system of converting standard (Gregorian) dates into Julian dates. What I did was to add another class, called DateTime. In this class a date with a year, month and day can be defined, then a method called to convert it into a Julian date. It also has a method to convert a Julian date back into a Gregorian date, should it be necessary. The calculations for these methods were adapted from the following website: I also used this website which calculates Julian dates to confirm that the method works correcetly. A screenshot of the class is below:

Now i was able to create a planet in the InitGL class of DrawSolarSytem, and call the drawOrbit method of OrbitalCalculations in order to check the test prints. Here are some screenshots of the method, and the resultant console print out:

As you can see, data is given out for each calculation, so it's definately doing something!

Now onto the unresolved problems. As of yet, I haven't been able to find any data to verify and compare the majority of my answers with, aside from the Julian date and obvious ones like period of orbit.

In addition, you may have noticed commented out code to test Mercury as well as the Earth. I've searched for quite some time today trying to find dates for when Mercury was at it's perihelion point, but have so far been unable to find any data. This was easily sourcable data for the Earth, but appears much harder to find for other planets, and is something I will be consulting my supervisor about.

That's pretty much it for this week, some useful links I've found and used this week to follow.

Useful Links:

Perihelion dates for the Earth - dates for when the Earth was/will be at it's perihelion point. Would be lovely to have a similar table for other planets! - contains slightly different orbital elements data than the JPL source I have been using. Something to discuss with Rob? - How to load 3Ds max objects into OpenGL. Could be useful if my current method fails.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Blog Week 5 - More Design

This week I have been focusing on producing a UML diagram showing my ideas for class content and class interaction. I've also made a short storyboard, showing how I envisage the final user interface to look.

Firstly, the UML diagram (click to expand):

As you can see, there are 7 classes; main, vector, point, ImportModel, CreatePlanet, OrbitalCalculations and DrawSolarSystem.

The main class just initialises OpenGL and creates the window that the program will run in. Vector and Point are simple classes - the models imported will be constructed of type point, and the X,Y,Z coordinates generated will be of type vector. The ImportModel class will allow 3Ds Max models to be imported and drawn in the program using OpenGL. At the moment I am intending to use the same import code as I used in an OpenGL module last semester, although I am not entirely sure if this will work - I will address this problem if it arises.

The CreatePlanet class creates an object with all the required planetary information needed for the orbital calculations - such as the eccentricity, semi-major axis value and the period of orbit. The UML diagram indicates that the planets would be created in the OrbitalCalculations class, but this is something I am unsure of at the moment. It may be better to create them in the DrawSolarSystem class.

The OrbitalCalculations class contains all the necessary calculations to generate the X,Y,Z coordinates needed. As time updates, so do these coordinates, and thus the planets orbit is drawn. The key method here is the drawOrbit method - this requires the current time and the time that the Planet was last at the point of perihelion (the closest point on a planet's orbit to the Sun) to be passed down to it when it is called. This means that if this function is placed in a for loop when it is called in DrawSolarSystem, with the currentTime increasing every loop, the planet should move in the correct orbit.

Finally the DrawSolarSystem class is where the actual drawing to the user inteface takes place. This is where the models will be imported and positioned, as well as all the user interface features such as zoom and speed up will be implemented.

I have made some simple storyboards to show how I see the user interface taking shape (click to expand):

That's pretty much it for this week. Hopefully next week I will be able to make a start on coding!

Interesting Link: - contains a JavaScript calculator to calculate the eccentric anomaly, as well as the true anomaly. Also gives the code for this calculator.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Blog Week 4 - Design

This week and next will have been spent doing design work for the project. I intend to complete a Mind Map, UML Diagram and Storyboard in this process.

Unfortunately I have been ill over the past week so have not been able to complete these tasks yet. I have finished the mind map, which I will post up, and have made progress on the UML. I intend to complete the UML diagram and Storyboad by the end of next week.

Here is the mind map. It details design methods, initial class ideas and user interface ideas (click to expand):